sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008


Nada como passar a última noite de sábado das férias lendo Bukowski

Charles Bukowski
Do livro "Love is a Dog From Hell"

this is my piano.

the phone rings and people ask,
what are you doing? how about
getting drunk with us?

and I say,
I’m at my piano.


I’m at my piano.

I hang up.

people need me. I fill
them. if they can’t see me
for a while they get desperate, they get

But if I see them too often
I get sick. it’s hard to feed
without getting fed.

my piano says things back to

sometimes the things are
scrambled and not very good.
other times
I get as good and lucky as

sometimes I get out of practice
out of tune. that’s
all right.

I can sit down and vomit on the
but it’s my

it’s better than sitting in a room
with 3 or 4 people and
their pianos.

this is my piano
and it is better than theirs.

and they like it and they do not
like it.

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